Saturday, November 16, 2013

Swerve (2012)

it may be a bumpy enough ride while it lasts, but it never feels important enough to escape its trivial status, or different enough from other genre flicks to grab the attention.

Clumsily mounted, implausibly plotted, often wincingly bad attempt at an Aussie genre piece...makes the same fundamental mistake as last year's Blame: small-scale thrillers need stories that are duck-bum tight.

Lahiff strings together an entertaining chain of actions 'n' consequences but yanks the strings of disbelief suspension too hard and aspires to do too much.

Once that body tumbles down the mine shaft, we're in a different -- and inferior -- movie.

Firmly sticking to its noir roots, this is a modest but well-crafted achievement which remains entertaining throughout.

Paul Grabowsky's edgy score is a highlight of this taut thriller that rips along like a fast train on a track to nowhere.

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